New Blog

This blog will be used to describe various topics related to life as a a person who found out first they were autistic and trans later in life (40+ years old).

It will primarily be an extension of topics I post on my Mastodon account but for subjects where I would want a more permanent way to refer to it or just too long to fit Mastodon posts.

I use the #HiIAmSamantha tag on Mastodon for trans/gender-related posts. Despite the name of this blog, this will be more mixed - I just liked Hi, I Am Samantha as a name - especially as it was already there, and I hate coming up with names :-).

The blog has some quirks, but I want to avoid getting bogged down trying to fix them, so they will stay for now. For example, the main RSS feed on the front page includes all pages, not just blog posts. The RSS feed should only include blog posts.