Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory

Introduction This page is meant to serve to provide some basic pointers about SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory). What is SDAM? Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory (SDAM) refers to a lifelong inability to vividly recollect or re-experience personal past events from a first-person perspective. The following is a bit “medical” introduction to SDAM, but it has the nice part of basing it in medical resarch making it more clear it’s “real”. [Read More]


I’m Samantha. This blog will be used to describe various topics related to life as a person who found out first they were autistic and trans late in life (40+ years old). Avatars This is my current primary avatar, with different background depending on use. They were made by Uniflame. Old avatar Old avatar, which I used for many years, for reference. Standard Autistic Disclaimer What’s described on these pages are my experience. [Read More]