My Headphone Usage

My Headphone Usage I’m going to post this on my blog as an experiment. The experiment being that I’m trying to spend less time polishing it compared to my “normal” blog posts, as it started out as a social media (Mastodon) post. Expect some typos and grammatical errors. I tried to make it brief for posting on Mastodon, but it turned out to be a bit long anyway… Since it comes up with some frequency on autistic social media, I wanted to share my experience with noise cancelling headphones as an noise sensitive autistic person with auditory processing issues. [Read More]

Curating my Mastodon feed

Introduction I like using Mastodon (/ the “ActivityPub universe”) for connecting with people, and I have found many great people I enjoy talking with. I look forward to hearing from people on good and bad days and having somewhere to share my world with. One challenge is seeing the post I want while seeing a minimum of triggering posts. I think it’s important to be explicit that many things I find triggering and don’t want to see (at least most of the time) aren’t necessarily bad posts - they are, for various reasons, things I don’t want to see. [Read More]

New Blog

This blog will be used to describe various topics related to life as a a person who found out first they were autistic and trans later in life (40+ years old). It will primarily be an extension of topics I post on my Mastodon account but for subjects where I would want a more permanent way to refer to it or just too long to fit Mastodon posts. I use the #HiIAmSamantha tag on Mastodon for trans/gender-related posts. [Read More]